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Body Boost Clinic

Now you can book your appointment online! Please note we take deposits to avoid no-shows and cancellations and guarantee our best service.


IV Vitamin Drips

We offer Vitamin Drips & Injections service, that involves the administration of fluids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

Oxygen therapy

Deep breaths, pure oxygen. Discover an amazing power of breathing pure oxygen in our Oxygen Hyperbaric Chamber.

Ozone Therapy

Discover a power of ozone! We use Ozone Therapy to treat many health issues, it is a powerful tool in healing chronic illness.

Blood Tests

We offer an extensive range of blood tests designed to provide you with valuable insights into your health and well-being.


At our Physiotherapy Centre, we can bring you back to health by diagnosing your issues, restoring your range of movement, and alleviating pain.


Our skilled team is dedicated to providing a range of safe and effective treatments tailored to your unique needs.

Nutrition therapy

